Gender & Finance presented at the Gender Day Research – ESSEC 2020

Prof. François Longin ESSEC Business School 

Gender & Finance recently participated to Gender Day Research – ESSEC 2020 that took place on March 8, 2020 at ESSEC Business School. Thanks to the organizer Junko Takagi, who is in charge of the LeaderShip & Diversity chair at ESSEC.

Gender Research is a recurring ESSEC event which around March 8, among other events, has made it a point of honor for 3 years to promote academic research carried out by the faculty.

Professor François Longin presented his research, co-authored with Professor Estefania Santacreu-Vasut, on stock market reaction to CEO appointments at the Celebrating Gender Research ESSEC event.

Their findings from a lab experiment using the SimTrade simulation platform show that while there are no significant differences in participants’ reaction to male or female CEO appointments, when they differentiate for participant gender, male participants are more likely to buy stocks for male CEO appointments and sell for female CEO appointments while female participants do the opposite. Such a behavior is consistent with gender homophily. Professors Santacreu-Vasut and Longin suggest a market bias against female CEOs which may be overcome by increasing the gender diversity in the finance industry.

More information about the ESSEC Gender Day

#Autourdu8mars2020- ESSEC: le Gender Day Research – ESSEC 2020


You can download the slides of the presentation below.

Presentation on gender and finance

Research paper

You can download the latest version of our research paper on SSRN.

Research on gender and finance

Contact us for more information or for research collaborations!

Prof. François Longin and Prof. Santacreu-Vasut
ESSEC Business School

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